How to form a Marriage After Hookups

We’ve all experienced the same thing: You meet anyone, chemical develops, and next boom! You’re going to hook up. Although you both find it enjoyable, your true desires go beyond simple gender. You desire a true connection. But how can a connection become romantic?

Fortunately, the solution to this problem is n’t as challenging as you might believe. There are a few things you can do, according to this Reddit string, to turn your fling into something major.

You need to first and foremost produce him madam you. This will enable him to recognize that you are more than just a erotic servant and that your desires go beyond sex. Do n’t always give him everything he wants on a silver platter to make him miss you. He will work harder to get you if he is aware that you are preoccupied with your own career and are not available at his beck and call.

You can start a conversation as another option. Speak about the little things in your life and inquire about his as well. This demonstrates that you are more than just a warm physique, and it will also aid in the development of emotive ties. To demonstrate that you care about more than just sex, you might also try asking him about his home and interests.

Finally, pay attention to how he handles you. Is he behaving in a friend-like manner toward you or as if you were his roommate? If so, it indicates that he is willing to develop a lasting relation with your fling.

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